Excel Tutorial: Hide the Excel Ribbon

How to Hide the Ribbon in Excel Manually

Follow these steps to hide the Excel Ribbon:

  1. Click the Ribbon Display Options button.
    Excel Ribbon display options
    The Ribbon Display Options button allows you to alter the Ribbon’s appearance.
  2. Choose Show Tabs and then select a cell.
  3. Click the Home tab to redisplay the Ribbon and choose Bold in the Font group.

The Show Tabs command shows the tabs but doesn’t display the Ribbon unless a specific tab is selected. Once a command is selected on the Ribbon or you click elsewhere on the worksheet, the Ribbon disappears.

How to hide the Excel Ribbon Automatically

  1. Click the Ribbon Display Options button.
  2. Choose Auto-Hide Ribbon.
  3. Click the top of the Excel window to redisplay the Ribbon.

The Auto-Hide Ribbon command hides the Ribbon from view. When you click the top of the worksheet window, the Ribbon is redisplayed.

Once you choose a command or click elsewhere on the worksheet, the Ribbon disappears.

To quickly collapse the Ribbon, right-click anywhere within the Ribbon and choose Collapse the Ribbon.