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Find out more about learning Excel and related developments that impact professionals. Written by experts, you can discover why it's important to learn Excel, the best options for learning, along with in-depth background information, as well as recent news and events.

Spreadsheet used in Excel course.

If you are thinking of taking some Excel courses to expand your skills, why stop there when you can become the global Excel champion? To get there, you’ll need to beat out Andrew Ngai, the two-…

Personalized Publishing for books revitalized

Microsoft Excel is a widely used and extremely useful spreadsheet application that is used for collecting, organizing, calculating, and analyzing data. Excel is commonly used by companies,…

There are basic things you should learn in Excel so that you can collect, sort and organize data. While Excel has many capabilities, here are the basic things you should learn in Excel…

You can learn Excel quickly through classes, tutorials, blogs, books, and other resources. If you have a job or project that requires you to learn Excel quickly, there are several…

Excel is worth learning for anyone who needs to collect, organize, analyze, or interpret data. As the most widely used spreadsheet application, Excel can be used to create budgets, track…